An event every week that begins at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, repeating until July 6, 2022
Our Teen Hangout Group offers teens and young adults on the autism spectrum a place to be themselves and talk with their peers about the triumphs and challenges of each day without worrying about knowing the “right words” or the “right way” to engage. By blending both clinical engagement with fun activities, we balance skill-building with fun. We offer six-week group cycles where we focus on specific social skills areas using an evidence-based approach through dynamic peer engagement and scenarios to apply the principles being presented.
Join us for our next cycle of Teen Hangout Group Wednesdays June 1st through July 6th at 4:30 PM –6:30 p.m. Space is limited so please sign up today! If you have not participated previously, please contact us prior to registration so we can provide additional information for this cycle.
If you require accommodations please contact us at